Dekel Agri-Vision PLC is an agriculture processing, logistics and farming operation located in Côte d'Ivoire.
The Company has a portfolio of projects at various stages of the development curve: a fully operational palm oil project in Ayenouan where fruit produced by local smallholders in addition to c.1,900 ha of company estates is processed at the Company's 60tn/hr crude palm oil mill; a large scale cashew processing project in Tiebissou, and a 24,000ha brownfield development site in Guitry which is being prepared for development.
A multi-disciplinary team of experts is focused on building Dekel Agri-Vision Limited into a leading West African focused multi-project, multi-commodity agro-industrial company. Including highly qualified agro-industrial specialists, the team has a proven track record of developing large-scale projects across Africa and elsewhere.